The relationship between garment and maker is fundamental to Papa and to its customers. The diversity of the Papa customer base across age, size, gender and culture reflects the inclusivity that underpins Papa designs. Inclusivity to us means amplifying the beauty of those that are often marginalised by the fashion industry, especially those within the queer and Pasifika communities that the Papa brand has roots in.
Everything is made from 100% natural fibres; Linens, Cottons, Wools and Silks meaning garments can break down organically at the end of their lifecycle.
The range of hoodies and tees referred to as Papa Sport are offered as a lower price point option for a more casual feel.
All clothing is designed and made in Aotearoa.
Papa Garments are of a very high quality and should last a very long time. We encourage mending and repairing garments before you get rid of them. Support for this from us is available by email, info@papaclothing.co.nz

With roots throughout Moana-Nui-a Kiwa and having been raised in an eco village in Northland, Aotearoa, Papa founder / designer Keva Rands likes to draw inspiration from her ancestral homelands of Fiji, Sāmoa, Tongareva and Hawai’i. Her upbringing in the eco village has laid the foundation for her knowledge of the environment and sense of responsibility to care for the land.
The name Papa comes from designer Keva's namesake, Keva Richard Low, who was known to his mokopuna as 'Papa'
Family is at the heart of Papa, and each carefully crafted piece is an invitation to join.
Established 14 April 2014
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